American English: Pronunciation & Accent Reduction Masterclass, ONLINE

American English: Pronunciation & Accent Reduction Masterclass

$250  |  ONLINE  | 36 Hours (equivalent to 3 credits)

Various times, please check each month’s schedule below!


Check which Time Zone you are in!!

Offered in collaboration with Hudson County Community College


Instructor: Aycha Edwards




May 17, 2025

Zoom meetings on 4 CONSECUTIVE SATURDAYS, starting on Saturday May 17 |  CLASS END DATE: June 15, 2025


Saturdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time/ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time





June 21, 2025

Zoom meetings on 4 CONSECUTIVE SATURDAYS, starting on Saturday June 21 |  CLASS END DATE: July 20, 2025


Saturdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time/ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time





July 19, 2025

Zoom meetings on 4 CONSECUTIVE SATURDAYS, starting on Saturday July 19 |  CLASS END DATE: August 17, 2025


Saturdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time/ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time






Have you ever felt like your words were “lost in translation”—not because of a language barrier, but because a small sound difference threw off the whole conversation? You’re not alone!

Our Pronunciation & Accent Reduction class is not like any other language course. With just a few key tweaks and a deeper understanding of how English sounds work, you can improve your oral communication tremendously. This isn’t about memorizing endless vocabulary or grammar rules—it’s about honing in on the sounds that make the biggest impact.

From tricky sets like “bird,” “beard,” and “bear,” to “true” vs. “threw,” or even “not” vs. “nut,” we’ll help you sharpen your skills so you’re heard and understood. But here’s the key—pronunciation is a two-way street. It’s not just about mastering how you speak; it’s about developing an ear for how others pronounce words, too.

Our class is designed to:
– Pinpoint the key sounds that matter most in English communication.
– Help you avoid common mistakes that confuse listeners.
– Train your ear to catch sound differences, making you a better listener.
– Boost your confidence in speaking and understanding others in real-world situations.

No more being misunderstood. With a few small adjustments, you’ll communicate with clarity and confidence. Join us and start mastering the sounds that lead to clearer, more effective conversations today!



This class will consist of readings and assignments posted on Google Classroom and scheduled zoom sessions (zoom is a video conference app) every weekend, for 4 weeks. Please make sure you register for the course with a valid email address, since this is where you will receive an invitation notification to join Google Classroom. Both Zoom and Google Classroom are free platforms and easy to use. You will be invited to join Google Classroom a week before class starts. Make sure you check your spam/junk folder, as invitations to join Google Classroom sometimes end up there. Your email must be Google compatible, so it’s best if you use gmail, hotmail or yahoo. If you don’t receive a notification before class starts, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact us.



All assignments must be successfully completed in order to receive your course completion certificate. Course completion certificates will be emailed to you, to the email address you registered for the class with. Due to the nature of our language classes, early certificates are NOT available for English!



Attendance during the scheduled zoom sessions IS MANDATORY and we will be taking attendance! If you do not attend these, you will NOT receive a course completion certificate. Meetings are not recorded and there are no make-up sessions. It is not possible to sign up for a new class if you miss the zoom meetings – your will have to pay for a new class! Other than the zoom sessions, the class is self-paced and you will be free to work on your assignments whenever you can. You will have 4 weeks to complete all assignments and course requirements.



Please note that all zoom sessions are scheduled in Eastern Time (New York City). Please check which time zone you are in, and make sure you attend the zoom sessions on time!

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